Page 111 - Majestic Vol 6
P. 111

After 18 months of preparation work, The Chase
          has finally welcomed its newly constructed stable,
          equipped with world-class facilities, that will be used
to house the China Horse Club’s thoroughbreds, and where
they will be provided with a safe sanctuary in which to retire.

The Chase at Sutton Forest in the NSW Southern                     The Chase newly constructed stable is a
Highlands, Australia, is a showpiece estate of the CHC,                     holiday home for CHC race horses
and a sanctuary for the club’s thoroughbreds. Surrounded
by rolling green hills, the 40-hectare estate exudes an               The Chase驭苑新马房,是马匹的度假别墅
old-world elegance that gives the surroundings an ethereal
feel. Apart from a homestead built in the 1880, a brand
new stable that can house 17 thoroughbred horses has been
added to the estate this year.

In order to cater to the care and welfare of its horses, the       Apart from the stable, there are many equestrian facilities
CHC has built a stable that is akin to a five-star holiday         around the manor, including a paddock with rich pasture to
villa, offering a relaxing retreat for racing thoroughbreds,       enable injured horses to exercise throughout the year and a
and a peaceful environment to assist recovery and                  12 horse mechanical horse walker installed to maintain the
rehabilitation for the sick and injured. In addition, the stable   fitness of injured horses. Electric horse fencing measuring
also serves as a retirement place for horses, one of whom is       a total 17km in length has also been installed to ensure the
the CHC’s first G1 winner, Tropaios.                               safety of the horses.

坐落于澳大利亚新南威尔斯省萨顿森林的The Chase驭苑,是                                    The farm houses a number of maiden mares that will be
CHC杰士马主俱乐部旗下的马主庄园,也是俱乐部旗下赛马的                                       transported to breeding farms at the appropriate time.
安身之地。占地40公顷的庄园被蓊郁山林所环抱,散发着一股                                       Respecting the ecosystem is a value that The Chase aims to
浓 郁的岁月洗 练氛 围,大有 超 脱世 俗之 态 。这 里 除了有一栋 建                             uphold, and, to that effect, 20 cows were especially brought
于1880年的独栋别墅外,今年还新添了一座可容纳17匹纯血马                                     into the estate to effectively and naturally control pasture
的全新马房。                                                             growth. These cows will be raised within the confines of
                                                                   the paddock, and their job is to graze in the paddock to
为了实践及照顾马匹福利,CHC贴心地为常年在外出赛的选手                                       ensure a healthy pasture. This organic agricultural practice
们打造了一所五星级的度假别墅,让他们得以在休赛期间来到                                        ensures that the environment is protected without the use of
这里休息放松,也为那些因病、受伤,或刚完成手术从兽医处转                                       destructive chemical agents.
退役赛马的养老福地,其中为CHC夺得第一个国际G1一级赛冠                                      国际标准一流建设
INTERNATIONAL FIRST-CLASS BUILDING                                 些 设 施与设备 包 括了17 间马 棚、专业 完善 的 兽 医 所、备 有 冷 热
The new and spacious stable building boasts world-class            水的马澡 堂、两间 饲 料储 藏 室、马具储 藏 室 及马毯 储 藏 室 。此
facilities and equipment, 17 stalls, a professional and            外,这 里 还设有 接 待厅、会客室、中央 办公室、经 理 办公室、四
comprehensive veterinarian treatment facility, wash stalls         间浴室以及厨房与烹饪设备,堪称为机能性完善的综合型建筑
equipped with hot and cold water, two horse feed storage           物。至于旧马房 部分,则设有一间 母马与幼马 检 查 区、三 间马
rooms, saddlery storage room and horse rug storage room.           棚、马蹄铁储藏室和专业马具清洗间。
Fully integrated into the stable complex are a reception area,
a drawing room, an administrative office, a manager’s office,      除了马房 以 外,庄 园 范 围内也设 置了许 多马匹设 施,例 如 一座
four restrooms and a fully functional kitchen. The older           全 封 闭 式 圆 形 草 坪,好 让 伤马无 论在 春夏 秋冬 都能 在 草 坪上
section of the stable building is now used as a mare and foal      自由自在 地散 步 活 动。庄园还 特别为马匹设 置了12 座自动行 走
monitoring area, and it comes equipped with three stalls,          机,让伤马 在专人 监 控 下进 行 合宜 的 复健 运 动。为了保 护马匹
horse feed storeroom and a tack cleaning area.                     安 全,这 里 还修 建了长 达17公里的马道电子网 栅,可见 对安 全

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