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The Five-star General
Four Seasons Hotels and Resorts is one of the is the social lounge EQUIS that is set to elevate the dining
world’s leading luxury hospitality brands, experience to a whole new level.
renowned worldwide for its personalised care, and
commitment to service and innovation. Four Seasons Brito said: “EQUIS will play a big part for us in the future.
accommodations are designed to reflect their surrounding We not only provide a bed or a table to our guests, but also
environment and, as such, hotels in different countries and craft an indelible experience for each of them that will live
cities exhibit their own sense of style. Guests at the Four with them forever.”
Seasons Beijing are able to enjoy unique art and cultural
experiences, and the driving force behind these rich 四季 集团是享誉 全 球的 奢 华 酒 店品 牌,向以高 度 定制、待人 如
experiences is none other than its Malaysia-born General 己、创新 精 神而闻名世界。不 过 正如 世界上每 个 地方的四季 都
Manager, Andrew De Brito. 有所不同,每个城市的四季酒店也有着自己的个性。如今前来
Since 2013, the Artist in Residency and Pop-up Shop 北京四季酒店的马来西亚籍总经理安德鲁对此功不可没。
programmes, as well as initiatives like the historical
walking tour of 1930s Beijing and Chinese culture tour, 从 2 0 13 年加 入 酒 店时开始,安 德 鲁 引入 并 悉心 打 造 的“ 驻 店
have exuded elements of Chinese influences that lend the 艺 术家”、“游击店”计 划、“漫 步 2 0 世 纪 3 0 年代的老 北京”以
Four Seasons Beijing its distinctive feel. Brito said: “For 及中国文化之旅等“艺术”与“文化”元素让酒店有了独特的魅
me, it comes from the love of art. It is important for us to 力。他 表 示:“对 我而 言,这一切 都源自对艺 术的热 爱,我 们 希
build up the stage for local, young artists and designers. On 望能够为本土的年轻艺术家与设计师缔造一个平台;从另一个
the other hand, sometimes people think art is too distant 角度 来说,艺 术一向 被 人们 认 为是 一种晦涩 难 懂的东 西,我 们
and very hard to understand. We are willing to narrow 也想通过这个平台缩小艺术与大众的距离,让所有人都能欣赏
the distance between art and audience, to make art more 艺术的光辉。”
accessible to the community.”
While these initiatives have garnered great responses, Brito 像的安德鲁自然不会满足于酒店的“艺术文化”标签。“乔布斯
is not one to rest on his laurels. Citing Steve Jobs as his role 的特质一直激励着我,尤其是他打破常规的冒险精神尤让我受
model, he explained that Job’s risk-taking, innovative and 益匪浅。”
adventurous approaches to life and business have been an
inspiration to him. 作为酒店管理者,他对细节的敏锐观察以及不断寻找新的想法
As a leader, Brito’s meticulous attention to detail jives with 特 别菜 单 、汇 聚各 国美食的艺·韵·味 至 臻 典范 嘉 年 华为用餐
his continuous strives to improve customer service with new 者提供“舌尖上的大冒险”,并完善健身设施及完美睡眠项目。
and creative ideas by incorporating exclusive dining events 此外,EQUIS社交酒廊的推出,更是饱含着他对未来的规划。
that fill the senses, such as the innovative MIO Lab, the
Taste of Artistry and the Food Carnival at Four Seasons. “ E Q U I S 社 交 酒 廊是 酒 店的未 来 。”安 德 鲁说:“我 所 追求的
Guests also get to improve their health and wellness with 酒店理念不仅仅是‘铺好一张床’或者‘摆好一张桌子’这样的
the hotel’s state-of-the-art Health Club and signature sleep 服务,我所希望打造的是一种伴随你一生的、如艺术品一般精
programme. The newest addition to Four Seasons Beijing 致的体验。”
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