Page 151 - MAjestic v7
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“EQUIS will play a big part for us in the future. We not only
provide a bed or a table to our guests, but also craft an indelible
experience for each of them that will live with them forever.”
TREAT OTHERS AS YOU WISH TO BE TREATED standards and strives towards excellence, he is confident
The core culture of Four Seasons is the same around the that, with the continued support of loyal customers and
world – treat others as you wish to be treated. This culture, business partners, the hotel has a bright future ahead.
which forms part of Four Seasons’ brand DNA, is also the
philosophy adopted by Brito. “I am a frequent traveller too 待客如己
and I expect to be pampered when I travel,” he said.
尽管 座 落 于 世 界 各 地 四 季 酒 店 都 有 着各自的 特 质,但 所 有 的
Brito’s relentless pursuit of excellence stems from a passion “四季”都秉承着“待客如己”的酒店文化,这种酒店DNA更是
for hotels at a very young age. In his youth, he worked as a 在 安 德 鲁 的 身上 展 现 无 遗 。他常 说:“我自己也是 一 个 经常 旅
server at Concorde Hotel Kuala Lumpur despite objections 行的人,我最享受的正是酒店那种奢华而精致的生活方式。”
from his father, who, incidentally, had also built a career
in the hotel industry. It was during this time that Brito 这 种对 酒 店品 质 的不懈 追求源自安 德 鲁 先 生 对 酒 店无与伦比
knew he had found his calling and embarked on a path 的热情,而他对酒店的激情似乎是与生俱来的。虽然他早已将
that led him to a long and distinguished career in hotel 酒店视为自己一生的事业,但一开始进入酒店行业时却遭到同
management. 在酒店行业的父亲的反对,不过他却毅然选择到吉隆坡协和酒
“I’m passionate about food and beverage, and (I am) equally “我一直以来就对餐饮行业有着极大的热情,同样地,我也对与
fascinated by the variety of pleasures that F&B can create,” 之相关的奢华生活方式心驰神往”。安德鲁在谈起自己的职业生
said Brito. “(In the hotel) I believe that dining or having 涯时说道:“(在酒店里)大家在同一个环境里起居、在同一个地
meals together connects people and creates experiences that 方用餐,这里所创造的一切远远超越了‘赚钱’的意义。”
go far beyond than just ‘making money’.”
Four Seasons Beijing has come a long way since its opening 奢 华品 质的追求,他 相 信 在忠实 客户与合 作 伙伴的支 持下,北
five years ago. As Brito continues to uphold the hotel’s high 京四季必将迎来一个美好的未来。
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