Page 157 - MAjestic v7
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Aheavy-hitting project for the Yitai Desert Star veterinary hospital, horse breeding and foaling facilities,
Horse Industries, the Horse Culture Gallery and pasture production and more. In addition, the project aims
Manor brings a fresh zeal and look to Ordos with to establish an Equine Disease-Free Zone. Divided into
its cutting-edge design, which allows you a comprehensive five phases of development, the project has garnered a total
look at the history and development of this world-renowned investment of RMB4.5 billion.
“Sport of Kings”.
The holistic integration of these facilities will allow the
The Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region is the epicentre of horse lover to experience quality time with his/her horses,
Asian horse culture and is known to house one of the largest balanced with the pleasures of work, lifestyle services and
horse breeds in the world. The Inner Mongolia Yitai Desert entertainment.
Star Horse Industries aims to develop a high-end horse
industry in Yiqi, Ordos, Inner Mongolia. Through equine 内蒙古自治区为国内乃至世界马品种资源最丰富的地区之一,
sport, tourism, trade and other equine related activities, it 是现代马品种的发源地。有鉴于此,伊泰大漠马业拟在内蒙古
aims to develop “China’s first commercial thoroughbred 鄂尔多斯 伊 金霍 洛旗 境内发 展高端马产业,通 过 体 育马业、旅
breeding hub”, promoting “the f irst horse racing and 游马业、产品马业等模式,以打造“中国第一马繁育交易中心”
tourism festival in northern China” and also aims to launch 、推广“北方第一马文化旅游飨宴”及开创“中国首个冬季雪地
China’s first ‘White Turf ’ carnival to promote horse racing 赛马嘉年华”为理念,将马产业、草原文化及旅游深度结合,致
event during winter. Not only will these contribute to 力带动及发展国内马产业,以吸引更多的国际马业机构在此设
the growth of the domestic horse industry, the grassland 立基地,马主庄园特色小镇就是其中的重要组成部分。
culture and tourism of the region, they will also attract
international industry players to establish a base here. The 伊 泰大 漠 育马场 选 址 用地 面 积 24 5 7 3 亩,其中1. 5%为建 设 用
Horse Culture Gallery and Manor will play an important 地 约 3 6 8 . 6 亩,建 筑 总计 容面 积 约 2 7 万平方米 。由约 2 3 9 套 马
part in this development. 主庄园、马文化展览馆(约1.6万平方米)、1座主题酒店(约0.7
万平方米)、配套商业(约2万平方米)、马医院、育马设 施建
The Ordos Breeding Project will occupy 24,573mu of land, 设、马草 种 植、马匹放养等组 成 。另外,计 划建设马属动物无规
of which 1.5% or 368.6mu will be a building capacity of 定疫病区。项目计划总投资约45亿人民币,分五期实施。
270,000 sq m. It will comprise of 239 manor houses for
horse owners, a horse museum (16,000 sq m), a theme hotel 通 过 这 些 齐 全 的设 施,马主在与爱马共 度 美 好 时光的同时,也
(7,000 sq m), commercial development (20,000 sq m), a 可享受到集合工作、生活、娱乐的一体化服务。
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