Page 162 - MAjestic v7
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INDUSTRY VITALITY FROM SUSTAINABLE                                manage farms to create fine breeding environments.
                                                                  Yitai Desert Star is situated in the Ordos Plateau, Inner
DEVELOPMENT                                                       Mongolia, adjacent to Honghaizi Wetland, with great
                                                                  traffic and location advantages, which makes it an ideal
Successful breeders understand the importance of                  place to breed horses. I believe continued optimisation of
sustainable development of their farms because it is rational     the natural environment and sustainable farm management
utilisation of resources and forward-looking policymaking         will provide world-class breeding conditions in the future.
and management that keeps the industry grow steadily and
bursting with vitality.

Although many farms in Hunter Valley are near the mountain        可持续发展带来产业生命力
and by the river, government approval is needed should one
needs to use the river to water his/her farms. As such, a large   成 功的育马者 们 都十分清 楚 他 们的牧场可 持 续作业的重要性,只
number of farms tailor their methods to local conditions when     有合理利用资源,以发展的眼光进行规划和运营才能保护行业的
watering, and take advantage of low-lying land to collect and     可持续发展并保持产业绵延不断地焕发更旺盛的生命力。
store rain for watering purposes. Visitors can also see that
scores of breeding farms put cattle and sheep in paddocks so      尽管许多猎人谷的牧场都依山傍河,但使用河水灌溉牧场却是需
their different eating habits and natural manure can help farms   要 取得政 府批 准的,很 多牧场 在合 理 使 用河水灌 溉的同时也 都因
rejuvenate themselves.                                            地制宜,利用低洼地势收集和蓄积雨水以补充灌溉用水需求。同
The experiences we gathered during the internship, such as        以利用不同畜牧动物的采食习惯以及所产生的天然肥料促进牧场
setting up standards, quality control and task-prioritising, are  的恢复和再生,这其实也是帮助土地休养生息、自我修复的一种
too many to recount; what matter the most, however, is the        智慧 。实习中 值 得 借鉴学习的 诸 如 标 准 建 立、质 量 控 制、优化 管
ideal of sustainable development.                                 理等内容不胜枚举。但 最 值得关 注的是可持 续发 展 理 念 和路 径。
                                                                  伊 泰大 漠 马业 是中国 的 新 兴马业公司,在 纯 血马训 练、赛 事 运营
Yitai Desert Star is an emerging horse industry company           管 理 等已有业务 基 础 上也已 逐 渐展 开 纯 血马繁 育业务。在实习中
in China and has expanded to thoroughbred breeding on             我们了解到澳大利亚牧场通过对天然环境的进一步优化以及更有
the basis of racehorse training, race-planning and other          效的管理为牧场营造可持续的优良放牧环境,内蒙古伊泰大漠马
operations. During the internship, we had the opportunity         业地处鄂尔多斯高原,毗邻红海子湿地,交通及区位优势突出,是
to understand how farms in Australia make use of the              不可多得的适宜马匹繁育的理想牧场选址,相信通过对自然环境
natural environment to optimise more effectively and              的进一步优化以及可持续的牧场管理会为未来的马匹繁育提供比

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