Page 99 - Majestic Vol.03
P. 99

Stable duties for the first half of the day,                                                              Following Quinton in
          are completed by 10 a.m. Quinton heads                                                                    the stable from early
          home to take a short rest, and then return                                                                morning, observing his
          to the office after lunch. At 2.30 p.m., it                                                               work, one can conclude
is back to the stables, where he would bring the                                                                    that this is definitely not
horses out for a 20-minute stroll,                                                                                  an easy job. Not only is
measure their body temperature,                                                                                     it labour intensive, one
and feed them their dinner, and                                                                                     can see his enthusiasm
with that, the day’s work is done.                                                                                  towards his job, through
                                                                                                                    his passion, love, and
早上十点钟,上半天的马房事务已经                                                                                                    care of the horses. As a
结束。昆汀会回家小休,午饭后再回                                                                                                    foreigner in China who
到办公室办公。到了下午两点半,再                                                                                                    is not well versed in
回到马房。20分钟的遛马、测量体                                                                                                    the language, language
温和晚餐,就结束了一天的工作。                                                                                                     barrier poses the
                                                                                                           biggest challenge for him.
                                                             According to Quinton, a trainer must be       He expressed, that Chinese
                                                             passionate about his horses. The horses are   thoroughbred horse racing is
                                                             like his children. He said, “There is an old  not yet in line with international
                                                             saying: Happy horse is a winning horse. I     practice. Quinton Cassidy feels
                                                  believe, however, that in order to groom champion        incredibly honoured to play an
                                                  horses, stable personnel must have a cheerful            important role in the growing
                                                  environment to work in. This way, the sensitive          of this horse industry.
                                                  horses will naturally feel the happy vibe, hence will
                                                  produce good results at the race track.”                 从清晨开始跟着昆汀在马房观察着他
                                                        昆汀说,作为一名练马师,不能或缺的是热情。他把                            事情。除了必须付出劳力,由内而
                                                        每一匹马都当作是自己的孩子。他说 :“有那么一句                           发的热情和对马匹的爱护也可看出他
                                                        老生常谈的说法 :在快乐环境成长的马通常是赛场上                           对工作的认真。对于一位不谙中文的
                                                        的常胜军。不过我却认为,要培养冠军马,其中一个                            外国人来说,工作本身不是最大的挑
                                                        要素是先要让马房所有的员工和伙伴在愉悦的环境下                            战,而是语言上的隔阂。他表示,中
                                                        工作,那么,敏感的马儿自然也会感受得到快乐因子,                           国的纯血速度赛马与国际还未能完全
                                                        跑出好的赛绩。”                                           接轨,作为中坚力量的一份子,他感

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