Page 107 - Majestic Vol4
P. 107

Yitai Group is one of                                    ORDOS
                                                              China’s leading coal and                                            SPECIAL
                                                              energy companies


                                                                                        Li Cheng Cai, Director, Inner
                                                                                        Mongolia Yitai Desert Star
                                                                                        Horse Industries Co., Ltd.



PARTNERS OF 2016 CECF ORDOS                                   to establish breeding and training programmes for
                                                              horses and jockeys that will create employment
The 2016 CECF Ordos will be supported by leading              opportunities. And lastly, to promote commercial horse
local and international corporations including Inner          racing, vigorously expand the industry, and strive for
Mongolia Yitai Desert Star Horse Industries Company           the development of the Inner Mongolia city and sports
Limited, a joint venture between Yitai Group and              tourism.
Desert Star Holdings. Yitai Group is one of China’s
leading coal and energy companies and has a diverse           企业助力
range of business interests. Desert Star Holdings is
an internationally based equine management and                本届CECF驭马文化节的主办方包括伊泰集团以及大漠马
investment company. The CECF Ordos will assist in             业控股有限公司(CHC杰士马主俱乐部母公司)。作为
the promotion of a commercial horse industry in Ordos,        当地龙头企业,伊泰集团植根于鄂尔多斯,一直关注、
showcasing some of the best thoroughbred racing               并投身于以内蒙古为中心的民族文化产业圈;在速度赛
in China, promoting the best local talent, creating           马领域具有国际水平、赛事经验丰富的大漠马业控股有
unique ties to the international thoroughbred industry        限公司则为赛事的专业性提供了强大的技术保障。就各
peers, helping create employment opportunities                方面而言,本届CECF是两个企业的强强联合,希望能够
and promoting new tourism opportunities in Inner              在促进赛马产业发展的同时,将内蒙古鄂尔多斯建设为
Mongolia.                                                     CECF驭马文化节的发展基地,也将鄂尔多斯的赛马产业
These powerful alliances will lend their support to the       标就是为内蒙古产业转型和经济发展贡献自己的力量。
CECF Ordos, and contribute to the emergence of a              首先,能够为内蒙古当地引进更多的国际先进赛马产业
prominent and specialised horse racing industry in            资源,增进世界文化交融,推动赛马产业发展;其次,
Ordos where the CECF can build a strong base. On              能够助力培养更多优秀的养马、驯马、育马以及骑师人
that basis, the main objective of the CECF Ordos is           才,并为当地创造一定的就业机会;最后,推动赛马文
to catalyse the transformation of the Inner Mongolia          化的繁荣,促进内蒙古的产业结构中第三产业的大力发
industrial and economic development. Firstly, to              展,为内蒙古城市、体育、旅游一体化发展模式的建立
promote the growth of the horse industry by attracting        而持续努力!
more international resources into Inner Mongolia; and
as a result, facilitate greater cultural exchange. Secondly,

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