Page 125 - Majestic Vol4
P. 125
Horse racing is a developing sport in China. To Horse racing has an advantage, in that it has been part of the sports calendar
what extent can technologies like Trakus, ,that have for hundreds of years. And the sport itself hasn’t changed that much in
been extremely successful in the US and around the hundreds of years. That said, tradition can sometimes prove to be an anchor to
world, be replicated successfully in China? innovation. With all of these projects, when you’re doing things differently, it’s
very hard to achieve total buy-in, particularly from the sport’s administrators, as
For a sport to become successful all over the world, you need opposed to the sport’s consumers. Some of these projects, although successful
great pictures, the incorporation of new technologies, and and popular with consumers, were not able to overcome the administrators.
robust data. Certainly a Trakus-like system, combined with However, a project like the Thoroughbred Daily News, which really depends
inventive and thorough websites, which can both inform on consumer acceptance, has been able to thrive, as it continues to innovate in
and entertain fans, are critical elements. Additionally, the information space.
any series of races that can promote the movement of top
horses and create events that represent the best the sport 从媒体公司、马匹拍卖、到电视直播赛事的经营,一路走来,你是如何面对这
has to offer would be most helpful, as sport everywhere is 当中的挑战,并把一切变成现实?
truly defined by its championship events.
您认为该如何把在美国被视为主流运动的纯血马速度运动, 今日,它的原本性质并没有多大的改变。俗话说,传统在某些时刻也可以成为
在中国进行广泛推广? 创意的引路石。当你以背道而驰的方式经营这项运动时,你并不容易获得业
一门运动如想征服全世界,你必须拥有远瞻未来的眼光,以 了消费者的喜爱与支持,不过也不代表你能获得管理单位的认同。无论如何,
及新科技与强大的数据支持。譬如将Trakus追踪系统结合 像《纯血马每日新闻》这种媒体事业,主要还是仰仗消费者的接受度,才能继
与创新设计的网页,为马迷带来兼具资讯与娱乐性的用户 续做下去,并在资讯界中做出各种创举。
施转播,让顶级赛马及精彩赛事的动向被大众关注,则具 What projects are you currently working on?
精彩刺激性。 My professional time is spent trying to introduce Trakus to new regions.
We recently turned on activities in Melbourne, Australia and we will be
Barry, you have made your name as an tracking the Melbourne Cup at Flemington this year. Additionally, we are
innovator in many areas of the thoroughbred about to introduce the Trakus technology in South America. Meanwhile, the
industry and this contribution has helped evolve Thoroughbred Daily News (TDN) has gone from strength to strength with
what is a very traditional sport. What have been our robust international coverage complementing our daily domestic coverage.
the challenges you have had to overcome to The TDN has also recently introduced an equine-flavoured lifestyle digital
make these ideas a reality? magazine, which has proven to be extremely popular with our worldwide
What is the secret to your long-lasting and fruitful career?
I have enjoyed the most blessed adult professional life. I wake up every day
making a living in my hobby and enjoying the competition and friendships
from thoroughbred racing worldwide. This has been made possible through
having extremely professional and enthusiastic staff, both at the TDN and
Trakus currently, and at Matchmaker and ACRS in the past. I also take great
pride in having many former employees having gone on to impactful careers
in the thoroughbred industry worldwide.