Page 105 - Majestic Vol 6
P. 105
Talented Chinese jockey Chen Li was one of the first
inductees into the CHC China Dream Project.
While a recent injury might have kept him off the
track, it may also provide him the widow to make a stronger
Twenty-seven-year-old Chen Li hails from Enshi in the
Hubei province. He graduated from Wuhan Business
School, and received training in Britain’s Racing School,
where he graduated with f irst-class honours. Chen Li
became a professional jockey in 2012 and, three years
later, during an event hosted by the China Horse Industry
Association (CHIA), last minute changes to the race
distance did not deter Chen Li from riding the now stallion
North Dakota to victory and winning the China Horse
Capital-CHIA Cup (2000m).
In 2016, Chen Li and his fellow Chinese rider Qin Yong 陈 黎,2 7 岁,来自湖 北 恩 施,毕 业于 武 汉 商学 院,曾在 英 国 赛
made their debuts at the Barbados Turf Club in one of the 马学院接受训练,并以一等荣誉学位的出色成绩毕业。2012年
biggest racing days in the Caribbean Region. For Chen Li, 正式成为专业骑师的他,曾在中国马业协会于锡林浩特所主办
this marked his first step towards gaining prominence as 的“中国马会 杯 -马 都 赛”的 2 0 0 0 米 开 幕 赛上,策 骑如 今已 经
an international jockey. Trainer Quinton Cassidy believes 退役的种公马“北方大佬”,他们克服了赛程临时调整的不利因
that Chen Li is a talented jockey with great potential and a 素,一举夺冠而成为佳话。
bright future. However, more often, things do not turn out as
planned: on a regular training day in Barbados, Chen Li was 2 0 16 年,陈 黎 与同门战友 覃 勇双 双 远 赴 加 勒比 海 的巴巴多斯
thrown from an unsettled horse, who fell on him and fractured 出赛,那次的出征,也代 表了陈 黎 在国 际 骑师生 涯中如 旭日般
his thigh bone. Such accidents are frightening, because injuries 正式的起步。陈黎曾经被练马师昆汀·卡西迪评价为最具潜能
from a fall like this could result in the end of a jockey’s career. 的 优 秀 骑 师,前 途一片光明 。可是,很 多事 情 往 往不能 如 人 所
Chen Li, however, had not been defeated by this suspension, 策 骑 的 赛 马 情 绪 失 控,把 陈 黎从马背上 抛了下来,马儿倒 压在
revealing, instead, a calm and introspective attitude. “The 身上,造 成他的大 腿骨折。如 此的意 外,对骑师来说比 恶梦 还
convalescence period allowed me to reassess myself and, 叫人心 惊,因为这一 折,断 的 很可能 不 仅仅 是 骨,而是 他 的 职
looking back, I realised I was an overly competitive person.” 业生涯。
Growing up as an only child meants that Chen Li received “受伤期间,让我有机会沉淀自己,我看见了自己曾经是多么的
a lot of parental love and affection, and faced few obstacles. 急燥。”憨实的陈黎,看不出受伤需要停赛的沮丧,反而有种沉
He later enrolled in a sport school, where he was taught 著以待的内敛。
to be winner. “In the past, I knew that I had a brave and
persistent personality, and a steely determination as well. 陈黎是独子,从小备受父母疼爱,没有受过什么挫折,后来成为
However, not able to deal with failure in a right way had 体校生,磨炼出一股不服输的个性。“过去,我知道自己有著一
gradually turned me into a more aggressive person.” 个勇敢和不放弃的心,也有很强的意志力来支撑自己。但在不
Chen Li also admitted that, previously, he was too eager
in his drive for perfection, and placed too much emphasis 陈黎承认自己过去太急着要求完美,总是过份强调对体能的要
on physical training, sometimes even resorting to strict 求,有 时 还会用 减 肥 来让体 重 骤 降,而忽 略了对 细 节的磨 练 。
diets to hasten weight loss, while neglecting the rigours of “受伤,算是因祸得福吧,也让我的身体有机会放松及休养。”
training. “This incident could be a blessing in disguise as it
has allowed my body to relax and recuperate.”
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