Page 102 - Majestic Vol 6
P. 102


Celebrating CECF’s



                                                                               Sir Owen Glenn欧文·格伦爵士

                                                                               Professor Dr Joseph Deiss

              Five years after playing integral roles in the launching         for CHC and CECF, the event held in Ordos, Inner
                      of the China Equine Cultural Festival (CECF),            Mongolia, will continue to demonstrate its uniqueness to
                      Professor Dr Joseph Deiss and Sir Owen Glenn will        the international market.
              once again be key figures in the 2017 CECF. The CECF
              has run continuously since 2013 with 2017 being the sixth        2 0 17 年 度 C E C F 国 际 驭马文化 节·内蒙 古 鄂尔多斯,因 两 位 重
              running of the event after two CECFs were held in 2015,          量级嘉宾的参与而变得更有份量;CHC杰士马主俱乐部国际理
              one of which was held in Singapore.                              事会创始成员欧文·格伦爵士与前理事会主席约瑟夫·戴斯教
                                                                               授,纵 然已 经 卸 任,不 过 这两位在国 际 享有盛名的长 者 依旧对
              Sir Owen, an original member of the International                CHC表以无限支持,尽全力推动速度赛马在中国的发展。
              Advisory Council (IAC), has generously renewed his
              support as a feature race sponsor that will see one of the four  作 为 C H C 国 际 顾 问 理 事 会的 创 始 成 员,热 爱 速 度赛 马及 慈 善
              feature events named in his honour. The New Zealander,           活 动的新西兰殷商欧文·格伦爵士将继续加强他对赛事的赞
              who was knighted for his philanthropic endeavours in 2013,       助力度,冠名赞助2017 CECF国际驭马文化节赛事日的其中一
              has supported the CECF as an IAC Member from 2013 to             场主 题 赛 。欧 文·格伦 爵士因 其 在 慈 善 事业中的 卓 绝 贡 献,于
              2015 and also as a sponsor of the CECF Sir Owen Glenn            2013年被英国皇室授予爵士封位。2013年至2015年间,他更
              Sprint Cup in 2013 and 2014.                                     以CHC国际顾问理事会成员身份,鼎力支持CHC及CECF国际
                                                                               驭马文化 节 在国内及 国 际的 发 展,并 于2 0 13 年及 2 0 14 年倾 情
              Professor Dr Deiss, a former President of the Swiss              赞助CECF欧文·格伦爵士杯。
              Confederation and President of the 65th Session of the
              United Nations General Assembly, was appointed the               而前CHC国际顾问理事会主席约瑟夫·戴斯教授,曾担任瑞士
              inaugural Chairman of the IAC in 2013. With Professor            联邦总统以及第65届联合过大会主席,他也以自身在国际间的
              Dr Deiss and Sir Owen Glenn’s continual support                  影响力为CHC提供独一无二的资源及支持。

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