Page 43 - Majestic Vol 6
P. 43

The red and yellow silks of the CHC once again                 Abel Tasman in her quest for Kentucky Oaks glory. It was
          dazzled on the world’s biggest stage, when the club  also the first time that the CHC, an owner from Mainland
          became the first owner from Mainland China to        China, was seen in an significant American classic race.
appear in an American classic, and creating a new race track
legend in the process.                                         作为全 球 首屈一指的速 度赛 马盛事,第14 3届美国肯 塔 基橡树
It was a rain-soaked and cold day at Churchill Downs,          不作美下起 豪 雨,气 温也 异 常的 寒 冷,可是 依旧阻 挡 不了超 过
but that did not deter over 100,000 racing fans and            10万名现 场观 众 盛 装 打 扮,在 大衣、雨 鞋 外仍穿着皮草,佩 戴
fashionistas, who braved the weather in their jackets,         华美礼帽出席这场有美国赛马运动“超级碗”之称的年度赛马
rain boots and even fur, from joining in the world’s           盛会。是日着装主题为粉红色,所以不难看到深浅不一的粉红
biggest racing event – the 143rd running of the Kentucky       时尚形成了赛马场上独特的一道风景线。肯塔基橡树大赛也是
Oaks. To support the Pink Out campaign, which raises           以展现女性魅力为主题的赛马赛事,而今年,大会为了能引起
awareness of breast and ovarian health, the color pink         人们对乳腺癌及卵巢癌的关注,出赛骑师们也身穿粉红色马裤
ruled the grounds and, all jockeys wore pink pants to the      粉墨登场。
                                                               肯 塔 基橡树 大赛为美 国 备 受 瞩目的一级锦 标 赛,赛 途 为18 0 0
The Kentucky Oaks is a high profile Grade 1 stakes race for    米,只开放于三岁母马参加,为该类级 别世界 奖金 最高的赛
three-year-old thoroughbred fillies. The race covers 1,800m    事。此 次,C H C 杰士马主俱乐 部也 组 团 前 往 观 赛,携 其会员 及
and is the most lucrative race in the world in its category.   贵宾们 亲 临 现 场支 持 旗 下赛 马“ 探 险 家”,并 最 终 成 功问鼎 赛
On this occasion, the CHC led its delegation of club           事最高荣誉。不得不提的是,这也使得CHC杰士马主俱乐部成
members and distinguished guests to the Oaks to support        为首个来自中国的马主代表成功赢下世界顶级G1一级大赛。

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