Page 44 - Majestic Vol 6
P. 44
To support
the Pink Out
campaign, all
jockeys wore
pink pants to the
Oaks 为了支持“粉
The Survivors Parade is a march of breast and ovarian cancer survivors, which takes place on
Churchill Downs’ historic racetrack. 143 breast and ovarian cancer survivors joined the parade
prior to the 143rd running of the Kentucky Oaks race 当日,共有143位来自美国各州的乳腺癌及卵巢癌康
Images courtesy of Kentucky Oaks, Churchill Downs Incorporated
Owned by the CHC and Clearsky Farms, Abel Tasman “探险家”为CHC与澄空马房联合拥有,要在这场高手如云的
did not have an easy task in the Oaks field that included 赛 事上突 围而出对“ 探 险 家”来 说不 是 件 易事,毕 竟 对手包 括
contenders like Paradise Woods, who had previously beaten 上场 赛 事 打 败 过 她的“天 堂树 ”;而她在 此 场 赛 前大 热 的 预 测
her at the Santa Anita Oaks. Moreover, Abel Tasman was 榜 上并未 入 三甲,只 排 在 第四 位 置 。为了让“ 探 险 家 ”能 更专
not even among the top three favorites. To improve her focus, 注赛事, 被评选入美国国家博物馆赛马名人堂的冠军练马师
Hall of Fame trainer Baffert changed strategy by putting her 巴富达改变策略为她戴上眼罩。果然,这个小妮子没有让人失
in blinkers and that made all the difference. Breaking from 望,原 本处 在 最 后 位 置 的 她 在 最 后一 个 弯 道 卯足 全 力勇 往 直
far outside, Abel Tasman rallied from far back to defeat her 前,超越了其他13匹对手,以1 1/4个马身的反超优势上演惊天
13 opponents and win the Kentucky Oaks by 1¼ lengths and 大逆转,成为这个顶级赛事的冠军,为CHC赢得了第16座G1一
help secured the 16th G1 win for the CHC. 级赛奖杯!
Present to witness this historical moment were the CHC 出席 观赏赛 事的 C H C 主 席、合 作 伙伴及会员们,在 现 场高昂的
Chairman, partners and members. It was the first time in the 气氛下,见证了这历史性的一刻,中国马主代表又实现了零的突
race’s history that owners from Mainland China have owned 破,站 上了美 国 顶级赛 事 奖台,成 为 赛 事 百年 历史以 来首位夺
a winner. 冠的中国马主。
42 MAjestic