Page 141 - MAjestic v7
P. 141

I believe the newly signed Sino-US quarantine
protocol is exciting news for the horse industry.

                                     Tod Wojciechowski, director of
                                     sales of Ocala Breeders’Sales

虽然中国的赛马事业仍处于起步阶段,但深远的马文化以及良                                    in China, and benefit from the world’s largest market such
好的群众基础,已让近些年的中国马业开始呈现不错的上升态                                    as the NBA or the English Premier League.
势。相信随着贸易开放以及赛事和育种事业的发展,国内对于                                    As a pioneer in bringing horses to the US, the China Horse
马匹的需求还会继续上升。作为世界最大马匹供应商的美国自                                    Club has done its part in motivating connections between
然乐于看到市场需求增加为其带来的更多的经济收益,而更多                                    the two nations. CHC’s horses (including Beat of Drum)
优秀马匹的进口将让中国的纯血马市场更加活跃,随之带动着                                    have gone to the US, while Chinese owners and stallions
更多投资与发展的到来。                                                    have made their presence known in America.

RISING FROM THE STRONG MARKET                                      We are delighted at the resigning. Now,
Besides imports and exports, the expanding market of                    the endeavour has paid off with the
China and US will also lead to deeper ‘communication’
in horses. The biggest trading partners of thoroughbred               re-signing of the protocol, which will
horses into China are currently Australia, New Zealand and              substantially boost Sino-USA horse
Ireland. With the products from US, buyers will have more                                      communication.
diversity in choosing products. The major racetracks on the
mainland are run on dirt.                                                                           AN Tao, Unbridled China and
                                                                                                  AQHA’s Ambassador to China
As American horses have already built up their reputation
on dirt, they will surely become strong competitors                                                  无疆马业、AQHA驻华代表安涛
with horses from other countries, becoming stars of the
international stages, such as the China Equine Cultural
Festival, and improving the level of thoroughbred races
here. As higher levels of races help build up the strength of
Chinese horses, they will have more chances to be the expats
in the US tracks, competing in international races like the
Kentucky Derby or Breeders’ Cup. In short, Chinese horses
could show the world their power by participating in the
‘World Cup’ or ‘Olympics’ in racing, while American horses
would seize the opportunities to create a ‘Superstar Effect’

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