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Venue|Grand Millennium VIPs| Founder and Producer of Club Magazine, Amy Luan, Director of The Socialites and Co-
Hotel, Beijing, China publisher of Club Magazine, John Wei, Editor-in Chief of Club Magazine and Founders and
Leadership management of more than 100 clubs in China, Becky Liu
《俱乐部》杂志创始人兼出品人Amy Luan,桃花源家族总裁、《俱乐部》杂志联合出品人魏雄杰,
The Great Recognition
Text| EDDIE DONG 文| 董天乐
Images Coutersy Of CLUB MAGAZINE
The 2018 China’s Most Influential 01 02 01_The launching ceremony of
Club award was hosted by The Club the Socialites App 桃花源家族
Magazine and The Socialites Co at the 由《俱乐部》杂志、桃花源家族主办的“2018年中国最具 APP正式上线推介仪式
Grand Millennium Hotel in Beijing. For 影响力俱乐部” 颁奖盛典在北京千禧大酒店举行。CHC杰 02_Becky Liu, Editor of The Club
its exceptional achievements in the domestic and 士马主俱乐部凭借一年来在国内外赛马界的卓越表现与成 Magazine 《俱乐部》杂志主
international horse racing circuits in 2018, CHC 就,从众多家俱乐部中脱颖而出,获得了2018“卓越成就 编刘岩
received the Outstanding Achievement award. 俱 乐 部 奖 ”。 而 C H C 主 席 张 祖 德 所 获 得 的 “ 最 具 影 响 力 人 03_John Wei, Director of The
CHC Chairman Teo Ah Khing received the Most 物 奖 ”, 更 印 证 了 业 界 对 于 C H C 的 认 可 , 以 及 张 祖 德 主 席 Socialites and Co-publisher of
Influential Person award for his contributions to the 对于中国赛马界所做的努力与贡献。“2018年中国最具影 The Club Magazine 桃花源家族
development of China’s horse racing industry. These 响力俱乐部”由2018年10月中旬开启,共有400余家俱乐 总裁、《俱乐部》杂志联合出品
awards showcase the industry’s recognition of CHC’s 部参与、200余家俱乐部入围,最终80余家俱乐部获奖, 人魏雄杰
continued efforts in this field. 是对国内具有强大影响力的高端俱乐部的一次盘点。 04_Assistant Vice President of
CHC Gan Wei Wei receives the
Launched in mid-October 2018, the China’s Most 04 awards(L4) CHC助理副总裁甘
Influential Club award drew over 400 participating 伟伟上台领奖(左四)
clubs, of which 200 were shortlisted. Over 80
clubs won an award – a good indicator of the most 03
prominent clubs in the country.
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