Page 59 - Majestic Vol 6
P. 59
My father has the greatest influence on my attitude and principleof success.
towards life and work. These are the basis and foundation upon
which my personal development and business are built. Honesty
is a virtue greatly valued by the Chinese
“ ”the writer, these two qualities form the very foundation 诚信为本的人生
有一种人,身上散 发出一种 掩 盖不住 的王者 气 息,而 张 东 海 就
“My father founded Yitai Group in 1988. I took over this 玮说,这次我们一定要拍出外表看似不苟言笑的张董事长另外
huge responsibility from him, and I am constantly reminded 一面,让大家对这位中国500强企业的掌门人有更多面的认识。
of his teachings, instructing me to have full confidence and
to take good care of the business; to be fair and resolute, and 你看,他办公室里的那台跑步机和条案,就能看出他对生活的
live up to expectations. If one cannot fulfil one’s role, then 自律及要求。
one must give way to another. An outstanding individual
is required for great undertakings (of Yitai Group), not an “我每天早上八点半上班,更早些七点多就会来办公室了。我
average person, and certainly not a mediocre one.” 每周至少会做四五次的运动,把跑步机放在办公室,那就没有
According to Zhang Dong Hai, he never thought that he
needed to inherit his father’s business. He joined the company 我在他办公室的书柜中看到了日本作家春上村树的书籍,所以
in his 20s after he left his government position, and had 我想,他肯定也读过春上先生发表过一部与跑步题材有关的作
worked his way up, taking on different roles at different 品——《关于跑步,我说的其实是……》,以跑步来表达一位小
stages. He has been with Yitai through the good times and the 说家,除了要有才华之外,最重要的是要有专注力和持续力。
bad, and witnessed the organisation transform from a small 而这两样素质,也是成功的基石。
company, with a starting capital of only RMB50,000, to what
it is today, with over 7000 employees. He said that apart from “父亲在1988年创建伊泰集团,从他手里接过这项重于泰山
doing a good job, it is important to be people oriented, and be 的责任,耳边也时时刻刻回响着他的嘱咐,要我充满信心,扎
accountable to the Group and all its employees. 扎实实 地把事情 做 好;决 策 要民 主,行 动要 果 断,决不 辜负 众
望 。若实 践 证明 没 能 力担当,那 就要让位,伊 泰 集团的 发 展 大
Perhaps not many realised that Zhang Dong Hai and 业决定我们只能选择帅才,而不是中才,更不是庸才。”
his father have both received the Model Worker honour
awarded by the China government – these certificate and 如张东海所言,一开始他也没有想过 承袭父亲所打下的一片
medal are now prominently displayed in his office glass 江山是一种必须,20多岁从政府公职离开,加入集团从基层做
cabinet and are treasured items, because his father once 起,并在不同时期出任不同职位,伴随着公司走过高山低谷,
said: “Seeing you being selected as one of the best gives 见证了公司从一家只有五万块资本到今天资产超过千亿的大型
me greater satisfaction than seeing you earn R MB10 能源企业。他说,除了干好事情,以人为本,更多的是一份对企
million.” 业与所有伊泰人的责任。
In the end, Zhang Dong Hai had lived up to his father’s 或许 很 多人不 知 道,张 东海与父 亲,先 后 都 获 得了由国家 颁 发
expectations. Ten years after his father had received the 的全国劳动模范,那个奖状和奖牌,而今就在张东海办公室里
award, Zhang Dong Hai followed in his footsteps to receive 的玻璃柜里,比任何物品都来得珍贵。因为父亲曾经对他说,“
the same honour. 你拿个全区十佳青年,远比挣回1000万来还让我高兴。”
“My father has the greatest influence on my attitude and 结果,张东海并没有辜负父亲对他的一番期望,在父亲获得表
principle towards life and work. These are the basis and 扬后十年,自己也凭实力延续了父亲的荣誉。
foundation upon which my personal development and
business are built. Honesty is a virtue greatly valued by “父亲对我最大的影响是做人及做事的态度和准则,这无论是
the Chinese – without it, an organisation cannot survive. 在我人格上的发展及企业经营中,都做了很好的铺垫和基础。
In order to sustain a business, credibility is crucial: trust 在中国人的文化里,诚信是很重要的一环,无信不立,只有诚信
is the key to building cooperation and collaboration 才 能使一 个 企 业 更 加 长 久,取得了人 家的 信任,才会有 下一 步
opportunities.” 的合作机会。”
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