Page 98 - Majestic Vol 6
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                                                                              The Club also bought a daughter of champion sire War
                                                                              Front, Loudly, for USD325,000 in foal to American
                                                                              Pharoah and she produced a colt foal on March 6 this year.
                                                                              Dundalk Dust, a daughter of the Danzig sire, Military,
                                                                              foaled a colt at the end of March and Flattermewithroses by
                                                                              AP Indy’s son Flatter produced a filly by American Pharoah
                                                                              in mid-February 2017.


                                                                              2 0 15 年,在 美 国 三冠 王 的 最 后一场 赛 事 ——贝尔蒙 特 锦 标 赛
                                                                              上,全世界都在引颈长盼“美国法老”(American Pharoah)是

                                   American Pharoah “ 美 国 法 老 ”               向来识英雄重英雄的CHC,决定砸下巨资延续“美国法老”的
              TRIPLE CROWN CHAMPION AMERICAN                                  进行配种,将这匹传奇马王的优良基因传承下去,培育下一世
              PHAROAH                                                         代的 赛 场霸主。这项 计 划 随 着“美国法老”荣登美国三冠 王 宝
              The world had been waiting for a Triple Crown champion          座,以及俱乐部在2015年美国基兰11月拍卖会上成功购入两项
              for 37 years when American Pharoah, already winner of the       一级赛冠军母马“由她吧”(Iotapa)(马王“飞翼艾力”(Afleet
              first two legs, the Kentucky Derby and Preakness Stakes,        Alex)之子嗣)而告阶段性完成。
              lined up in the 2015 Belmont Stakes.
              His majestic win along with five other wins at the highest      锦标赛之前,曾一度于G1圣塔安妮塔橡树赛中落败于“凝神”
              level made American Pharoah one of those rare horses that       (Beholder)而屈居亚军。当这匹出色的母马出现于基兰拍卖
              transcend the everyday racing results and take their place in   会上时,立即引来各方买家热烈竞标,最终由CHC以280万美元
              equine history.                                                 (约1, 9 0 0万人民币)成 功将 她收 入 麾 下,作为与“美国法老”
                                                                              配对的繁育母马。好消息是,今年 3月,“由她吧”与“美国法
              The China Horse Club took the decision to invest heavily and    老”的子 嗣已 经 诞 生,相 信尽 得父系与母系优良 血 统的 他 定能
              become a part of the American Pharoah success story, buying     在未来有一番大作为。
              some highly credentialed broodmares to send to the stallion
              hoping to produce another generation of racing superstars.      俱乐 部 更 花费 3 2 . 5 万美 元,用于“喧 腾”(L o u d l y)(名驹“战
                                                                              争前线”(War Front)的女儿)与“美国法老”的配种,喧腾”
              Part of that plan stretched back before American Pharoah        亦于 3月 6日成 功 诞下子 嗣 。此 外,与“美 国 法 老”进 行 配 种的
              had achieved his Triple Crown success and included the          还有“单色”(Danzig)(种公马“邓大大”孙女、名驹“军事家”
              purchase of dual group one winning mare Iotapa (by              (Military)之女)以及“予我玫瑰”(Flattermewithroses)(种
              Afleet Alex) at the 2015 Keeneland November sale in the         马AP Indy孙女、Flatter之女),她们亦分别于2017年3月底以
              United States. Iotapa had placed second to champion mare        及2月中旬分别诞下一匹小公马和一匹小母马。
              Beholder in the Group 1 Santa Anita Oaks before going on
              to win two Group 1 races herself, the Vanity Handicap and
              the Clement L Hirsch Stakes.

              As the mare went through the Keeneland sales ring, bidding      Abel Tasman “探险家”
              soared to a massive USD2.8 million and we are pleased we
              were able to secure such a successful racehorse that has since
              visited the great American Pharoah. We are pleased to now
              have, on the ground, a perfect bay colt foal born in March
              2017 and we have high hopes for this foal that is a product
              of two great champions.

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