Page 95 - Majestic Vol 6
P. 95

                                                                              HORSES IN
                                                            Statistics show there are now 9 million horses in China
                                                            - the second largest equine population in the world. The
                                                            involvement of horses in China both for business and social
                                                            needs hints at the potential of a commercial thoroughbred
                                                            racing and breeding industry. A mature equine industry
                                                            has the potential to create job opportunities for 3.4 million
                                                            people, with an aggregate economic value of USD8 billion.
                                                            It is an industry with bright prospects. To realize this target,
                                                            Yitai Desert Star is working closely with local governments
                                                            and its partners. The creation of a commercial horse
                                                            breeding industry has the potential to contribute between
                                                            USD1 – 2 billion to the local economy within the next five
                                                            to 10 years.

TOURISM                                                     根据统计,中国目前拥有900万匹马,是世界第二大育马大国。
                                                            纵观长 远 发 展,马产业 所 带 来的 就 业 人数 超 过 3 4 0万,国家总
Britain’s Royal Ascot is arguably the most well-known       体 经 济 影响可达 8 0 亿美金,发 展前景 十分可 观 。为了实 现 这一
horse-racing event in the world today. The five-day annual  宏伟目标,内蒙古伊泰大漠马业将与国内其他马业同盟积极开
carnival attracts more than 300,000 people to Ascot         发新 兴马产业项目,相 信此 次 启动的育马项目也 将与其他各 类
Racecourse and sees the use of 400 helicopters and 1,000    马产业项目为鄂尔多斯马产业链 繁 荣 发 展 贡 献 力量 。未 来 5至
luxurious limousines. Australia’s Melbourne Cup Carnival    10年中,市场预估相关马产业能为鄂尔多斯带来十亿至二十亿
is also a driver of domestic and international tourism. In  的经济收入。
2016 it delivered AUD427.1 million (RMB2,208 million)
in economic benefits to the State of Victoria alone. This
included AUD38.3 million (RMB198 million) spent
on commercial accommodation and AUD44.3 million
(RMB229 million) on fashion and retail spending.


赛 马活 动所 带 来 的旅 游 效 应 更是可 观 。赛 事 带 动旅 游 最 经 典
名现 场观 众 进场,每天迎 来了4 0 0台直 升机 及10 0 0台的豪华 轿
括了3 8 3 0万澳币(约1. 9 8亿 人民币)的住宿及4 4 3 0万澳币(约
2. 2 9 亿 人民币)的时尚零 售消费。赛 事活 动间 接 带 动当地 的交

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